Bjørn Kalsø
Member of the Parliament
City / village: Syðradalur K.
Island: Kalsoy
- I live on the outer islands,
- I have been raised on the outer islands
- I love the outer islands.
I was born and raised on Syðradal located on the island of Kalsoy, which still is considered as countryside, although not an outlying island in the same way as Fugloy, Svínoy, Mykines, Hestur, Skúvoy, Koltur and Dímun, because the traffic connection has significantly improved since Sam (a car ferry) replaced Barrskor (passengers only). It is especially the environment, the people, the peaceful nature that have become part of me that I cannot be without.
I recommend the outer islands because: The nature and its diversity is at your feet, it is peaceful and time nearly loses its grasp on you, the people are friendly and there is always something to do for both children and adults.
These places, stories or events are for me especially interesting. All of Kalsoy is a pearl, and so are the other outer islands. The story about how the people have lived and survived for decades on the outer islands is in itself interesting. These unusual and interesting events are typical for all outer islands. A good example is when the people from Blankaskála, about 200 years ago, moved their village from the other side of the mountain to Syðradal. Legends and stories, about how Tróndur í Gøtu managed the island of Kalsoy and herded all the sheep into Galvsrætt, and the giant that tried to step across Leirvíksfjord, about the “thieves of Húsar” who among other things used human flesh as fishing bait, about the selkie - seal-woman in Mikladal, about “Páll the captive” and the stories about the trolls in Trøllanes, are some of the few examples.
Other remarks: Without inhabitants on the outer islands we will lose an important part of our culture and become poorer as a nation and travel destination! Therefore it is good that Útoyggjafelagið (The outlying islands’ group) focuses on outlying islands.